“For the word of God is living and
active….Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we
must give account.”
Gender roles, gay marriage, abortion, immigration reform,
gun control, health care, climate change, racism and terrorism: These are nine
of 2017’s hot button issues that many people assume are beyond the scope of the
Bible. After all, how could a 2,000-year-old book contain answers to questions
surrounding our complex issues in modern society? When we subject the Bible to
a relevancy test, doesn’t it come up short?
Not at all. But don’t take my word for it. Let’s put God’s
word to the test with three of these hot button topics.
Hot Button Issue #1: Gender
Roles. Gender is, without a doubt, a popular topic of conversation in
colleges, political circles and in the media. Many universities across the
nation, including UCLA, are now offering courses and even majors in Gender
Studies. In recent months New York City leaders have begun publicizing that the
city now recognizes thirty-one different gender identities including
bi-gendered, cross dresser, drag king, drag queen, femme queen and gender
queer. (If you don’t know what half of these genders are, that’s probably a
good thing.)
But what does the Bible say about gender roles and gender
expression? Well, obviously the Bible’s gender list is much shorter and less
complicated than the Big Apple’s list. Passages like Genesis 1:16-28 and
Genesis 2:20-25 indicate that God created two distinct genders: male and
female. A person need not wonder, “Am I a
male, a female or one of twenty-nine other options in between?” According
to God’s Word, each person is either one or the other. And our gender identify,
gender expression and marriage choices should fall in line with our biological
sex. In our postmodern culture these insights seem too simple and
narrow-minded. But they are just as true and applicable today as they were
2,000 years ago. These Scriptural insights should be included in our public
discussions about gender without being shouted down as “homophobic.”
Hot Button Issue #2:
Gay Marriage. It’s
been twenty years since Ellen DeGeneres came out of the closet in a Time Magazine exclusive and announced,
“Yep. I’m gay.” That was, without a doubt, a watershed moment in American
culture. It sparked a more passionate effort to mainstream homosexuality and
turn the tide of public opinion on homosexual marriage. Although Californians
went to the ballot box in 2008 and approved Proposition 8—defining marriage as
being “between a man and a woman”—it was struck down in federal court. And on
June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that state bans
on homosexual marriage were unconstitutional, paving the way for gay marriage
to be legal in all 50 states.
But what does the Bible say about gay marriage? As you
probably know, the Bible never addresses the subject of “gay marriage”
directly. And the reason for this seems clear: From a biblical perspective, the
term is an oxymoron. Simply put, a person must choose one or the other. The
Bible is clear in Genesis 2:18-25 and Matthew 19:4-9 that God created marriage
as a life-long love relationship between one man and one woman. These verses
rule out the legitimacy of homosexual marriage. (And polygamy for that matter.)
In addition, verses like Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:26-27 make it clear that
homosexuality is deemed by God to be a perversion of His created purpose for
sex. Our culture would do well to revisit God’s blueprints for marriage and
Hot Button Issue #3:
Immigration Reform.
This was one of the biggest topics on the 2016 presidential campaign trail.
Over the past two years there has been much discussion about a border wall,
sanctuary cities and restricting visas from certain terrorist hotbed countries.
Many of these discussions have become very heated, and Christians haven’t
stayed above the fray.
But what does the Bible say about immigration reform? Well,
Old Testament passages like Leviticus 19:33-34 and Exodus 23:9 emphasize that
in ancient Israel immigrants were to be loved and treated as native-born
citizens. So, it’s safe to say that God expects every Christian to treat every
alien (legal or illegal) with compassion, kindness and love. However, verses
like Romans 13:1-2 emphasize the importance of obeying the laws of the land.
Taken together, these verses indicate that Christians should advocate for
immigration reform that is both compassionate and law-abiding. Lawbreakers must
be treated with kindness while the rule of law is upheld.
Yes, the Bible has always been, still is and always will be
the most relevant book on the planet—providing timeless principles that can be
applied to any contemporary problem or challenge we face. Sadly, most people
find shouting, cursing and name-calling to be preferable to embracing the
countercultural insights of Scripture. Without a doubt, our nation would be in
a much better condition if we truly believed and acted upon the wise words of
Ronald Reagan: “Within the covers of the
Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.”
Dane Davis is the Lead Pastor of
First Christian Church in Victorville. For more information,