Saturday, December 28, 2024

Are You Making the Right Resolutions?

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” – Isaiah 43:19

Christmas 2024 is in our rear-view mirror, and now a lot of us are talking about New Year’s resolutions. Possibly you’ve made one yourself. Maybe you’ve resolved to lose weight, start working out, or cut back on the amount of time you spend on your smart phone.

You’ll notice that most New Year’s resolutions are “me”-focused. I want to start doing this. I want to stop doing that. I want to be happy. 2025 is going to be MY year. I think you can see what I’m getting at. Most New Year’s resolutions aren’t bad … just self-absorbed and often pointless.

And as you probably know, most New Year’s resolutions fail within a few weeks. They tend to fail for two reasons: because they don’t have a strong motivation, or because they don’t have a point — a clearly-defined purpose. They don’t have something that a person can get fired up about. For example: If I carry out this resolution, my marriage will be saved. If I carry out this resolution, I’ll be able to afford to send my kids to college. If I carry out this resolution, I will have a 75% better chance of beating cancer.


So, how do we make resolutions and set goals that are not self-absorbed or pointless?


I’m convinced that the greatest resolutions in life are those that are grounded in Scripture, motivated by our love for Christ and carried out for the glory of God. One of the best ways to ensure that our resolutions are not shallow or pointless is to feed them through this three-part filter. Simply ask yourself:


1. Is my resolution solidly grounded in the Bible? If so, great! Move on to question number two.

2. Is my love for Christ my motivation for making this resolution? If so, fantastic, because the love that led Jesus to the cross for you and me is the greatest motivator of all! 


3. Am I going to carry out this resolution for my own glory or for the glory of God? The glory of God should be the end goal of everything we do, because the glory of God is the purpose of our existence in the first place.


All of us need goals to shoot for and resolutions to define our path. When our goals and resolutions survive the three-question filter, they pave the way for the greatest adventures of faith. So, if your resolution passes through these three filters, go for it! And let me know if I can help.

 Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley. For more information, visit

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Are You Walking in the Light?

 “If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.” – 1 John 1:7

In the first chapter of the Bible, the Word of God tells us what God created on the first day of creation. It wasn’t plants or birds or animals. It wasn’t dry land or water. In Genesis 1:3, God said, “‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” And if you turn to the final chapter of the Bible, Revelation 22, the Apostle John is given a clear vision of heaven: “There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light” (v. 22:5).

At the beginning of the Bible, light has a prominent place in creation of this world. And in the end of the Bible, light has a prominent place in the creation of the new world: heaven. So, it shouldn’t surprise us too much when we read the Apostle John’s words in 1 John 1:5: “God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all.” 

By declaring that “God is light,” the Apostle John is declaring that we serve a holy God. He is morally perfect. John is also declaring that by nature, our holy God reveals Himself. His character traits are on full display around the world. And never in the history of the world was God’s character more on display than in the life of Jesus Christ. Then, in 1 John 1:7, John gives us a beautiful description of Christ’s followers: Christians are those who are walking in the light.

But are you and I walking in the light of Jesus Christ? In 1 John 2, John teaches us how to find out. To learn whether you are walking in the light, ask yourself these three vital questions:

The Obedience Question: Am I obeying Christ’s commands, or am I just giving Him lip service (1 John 2:3-6) Never forget what it means when you call Jesus “Lord.” You are calling Him your Master. So, don’t call Him “Lord” unless you are obeying Him as your Lord. Don’t call Him “Lord” on Sunday and rebel against His commands on Monday.

The Love Question: Have I turned my back on all bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness and hate in order to love the people around me with a Christlike love? (1 John 2:7-14) There are far too many Christians who hold on to hate. They have one foot in the light and one foot in the darkness. Brothers and sisters, don’t be like that. A wise man once said, “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and to realize the prisoner was yourself.”

The Hunger Question: Do I crave the temporary pleasures of this world, or am I hungry for God and the things of God? (1 John 2:15-17) There’s a good chance that some sins need to be rooted out of your life. Perhaps certain lusts of your flesh or lusts of your eyes. Maybe a root of pride that drives you to try to impress people instead of simply living to please God. 

If we’re honest, every one of us should be able to identify some areas in our lives where we’re not walking completely in the light. If your obedience, your love or your hunger is not where you know it should be, give it to God. Go to Him in prayer today.

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church in Victorville. Join us at Impact for Sunday services: in person at 9 a.m., or online at 10 a.m. on YouTube or Facebook. For more information, visit

Monday, December 9, 2024

Is It Dark In Here?

 “If we claim to have fellowship with [God] and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.” – 1 John 1:6

In 1 John 1, the Apostle John shares a beautiful and powerful revelation about God the Father's character. First, John tells us that "God is light, in Him there is no darkness at all" (v. 5). Then he goes on to warn us: “If we claim to have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth” (v. 6).


In two short verses, John presents two contrasts: one that’s obvious, and one that’s not so obvious. In verse 5, John contrasts light and darkness. That one’s obvious. But the more subtle contrast is in verse 6: the contrast between SAYING and DOING. In other words, he’s talking about the contrast between just giving Jesus lip service and actually walking in God’s light.


So, what does it mean to walk in God’s light? Well, since God is morally perfect, to walk in the light means to pursue that same moral perfection. We need to be holy as God is holy; to walk in righteousness and justice. To be slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. To love the things God loves and hate the things He hates. To “walk in the darkness” is to do the opposite of all those things.


As John declares that “God is light,” he is also declaring that God reveals Himself. So, to walk in the light means to reveal yourself to God as He reveals Himself to you. No skeletons in the closet. No hidden agendas. No hypocrisy. Walking in the light requires you and me to stop playing games with God and with other Christians — to be real, sincere and transparent. We need to step out and say: “God, here I am! The good, the bad and the ugly. I’m done hiding things from You in the dark. I’m stepping into your glorious light. Here am I … warts and all.”


Here are three Life Lessons we can draw from this passage:


Life Lesson #1: If you truly desire to walk in the light as Christ is in the light, there must be an inseparable marriage between your religion and your morality. If your morals aren’t in the light, guess what? You’re not in the light either. You’re walking in darkness. Sin is always a roadblock to fellowship with God.


Life Lesson #2: Walking in the light requires you to honestly confess your sins to God and to at least one other Christian brother or sister. Never forget: It is in God’s nature to reveal Himself to you. But it is in your old sinful nature to hide yourself from Him. But as a Christian, you have a new nature. The old has gone; the new has come. And it is in your new nature to step into the light and be honest with God. Confess ALL your sins to Him. Jesus can’t forgive your sins in the dark. If you want God to forgive you, you must step into the light.


Life Lesson #3: When you humbly confess your sins, Jesus will speak to the Father in your defense and will offer His own blood to pay your debt in full. Confess your sins and hand them over to Jesus. You can rest assured that He will be your defense attorney in heaven and the atoning sacrifice for your sins.

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church in Victorville. Join us at Impact for Sunday services: in person at 9 a.m., or online at 10 a.m. on YouTube or Facebook. For more information, visit

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Beware of False Teachers

 “We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We write this to make our joy complete.” – 1 John 1:3-4

Less than 50 years after Jesus hung on the cross, the Apostle John began to see false teachers infiltrating the Christian church. He knew he MUST act. So, inspired by the Holy Spirit, John wrote his first letter to the early church, known in the New Testament as 1 John.

 In the final few decades of the First Century, false teachers were peddling an early form of Gnosticism (“having knowledge”). The Gnostics were pulling believers away from Christ and the Church, robbing them of their joy in Christ. They were enticing Christians to live immoral lives that would bring them under God’s judgment. The Gnostics were predatory, false teachers. They tried to convince Christians that there IS no bodily resurrection and that believing in Jesus Christ will NOT lead to eternal life.


Two thousand years later, we, too, are bombarded with false teaching. In fact, there are more false teachers alive today than there were in John’s day. And many of these false teachers peddle some of the same old lies (for example, Jesus isn’t God. The cross isn’t the only path to salvation. Salvation is about what you do for God, not about what Christ did for you. And sin isn’t a big deal).


It is critical that we pay attention to John’s teachings and warnings in 1 John, because there are plenty of influential people who are trying to lead us down a path of destruction, and we MUST … NOT … LET … THEM. But you don’t have to face this battle alone. When you accept the apostles’ testimony and place your trust in Jesus Christ, John says in vs. 3-4: “You also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ.” You see, as Christians, we are partners and participants together. We participate in the same salvation together, and together we participate in a loving relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


True fellowship with God produces true fellowship with other Christians. And according to verse 4, if you are missing out on true fellowship with other Christians, you are missing out on a whole lot of joy.


Here are three Life Lessons we can draw from this passage:


Life Lesson #1: This side of heaven, there will always be false teachers who pollute the truth of God’s Word with idle speculation. Ignore them and warn other Christians about them.


Life Lesson #2: Fully embrace this truth in your heart: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16). You don’t have to worry about whether or not this Book and everything in it is the Word of God. It has proven itself to be true and absolutely reliable time and time again.


Life Lesson #3: Whether you realize it or not, your soul is hungry for good Christian fellowship. It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, a new Christian or an old Christian, an introvert or an extrovert. You need good Christian fellowship. Your joy depends on it.

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church in Victorville. Join us at Impact for Sunday services: in person at 9 a.m., or online at 10 a.m. on YouTube or Facebook. For more information, visit

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

How to Defeat a Giant

 It is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s.
– 1 Samuel 17:47

We all love the story of David and Goliath. A teenage shepherd boy stands toe-to-toe with a 10-foot giant and gives him a knock-out punch with just a sling and a stone. It’s a great story! But remember, it’s not just a children’s story. It’s God’s Word, it’s historical fact, and it holds just as much spiritual truth for adults.


From the outside, David didn’t look like the most likely hero for this tale. But he was singled out months earlier. During King Saul’s reign, God sent Samuel to Bethlehem to anoint the next king of Israel—a “man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14). God sent His priest, Samuel, to the family of Jesse, who had eight sons. One by one Samuel considered Jesse’s sons … and under God’s instructions, he anointed the youngest son, David, to be the future king.


David was still just a shepherd boy, too young to even go to war, when the Philistine giant Goliath threw down the gauntlet—daring ANY Israelite soldier to face him, “mano y mano.” Disgusted by Goliath’s jeers, David vowed to defeat Goliath “because he has defied the armies of the living God. The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” And just as David prophesied, the LORD handed Goliath over to David. With God’s help, David struck him down with a sling and a stone, and everyone on the battlefield knew that there is a God in Israel who doesn’t save by sword or spear, because the battle … is … the Lord’s (1 Samuel 17:47).  


Here are three Life Lessons we can learn from this famous showdown:


Life Lesson #1: When we are unfaithful to God, our enemy gets a foothold in our lives. The only reason the Philistine army was on Israelite soil in the first place was because Israel and her leaders, especially King Saul, had been unfaithful to God. The same is true in our lives. When we sin and are unfaithful to God, we open the door for Satan to get a foothold in our lives.


Life Lesson #2: Whenever you step out in faith to fight a battle for Jesus, there will always be someone on hand to discourage you—and it will often be someone in your own family. David’s own brothers didn’t believe in him, even though they had seen David get anointed. And David’s situation wasn’t unusual. Joseph’s brothers didn’t believe in him. And at one point, even Jesus’ half-brothers thought he’d gone insane. So, be encouraged. If God’s Spirit leads you into battle and clearly confirms that He's leading through the Word of God, step out in faith and fight the battle, in spite of the naysayers around you.


Life Lesson #3: Trusting God on the battlefield isn’t complicated; it’s just hard if you’re forgetful, distracted or self-absorbed. David remembered the times that God had saved him in the past, when he was attacked by a lion and a bear. David wasn’t distracted by Goliath’s size or the discouraging comments from wet blankets around him. And David took his eyes off himself and focused on His great and awesome God, Who was his Defender and Shield.


Trusting God isn’t complicated. It’s not even that hard when you remember God’s faithfulness. Just fix keep your focus on Jesus Christ and on the marching orders He’s given you. 

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church in Victorville. Join us at Impact for Sunday services: in person at 9 a.m., or online at 10 a.m. on YouTube or Facebook. For more information, visit

How to Spiral Up

"O Sovereign LORD, remember me. O God, please strengthen me just once more.” – Judges 16:28

Samson was, perhaps, the most flawed hero in the entire Old Testament. He was a complete mess. But by God’s grace, he was still a hero.


In the Book of Judges, the Bible gives us some highlights of Samson’s 20 years serving as Israel’s judge. He tore a lion in half with his bare hands, ripped a city gate off its hinges and single handedly killed 1,000 enemy soldiers with a donkey's jawbone. Samson was incredibly strong … no doubt! But he also had some major weaknesses, didn’t he? Facing a seductive woman like Delilah, he was putty in her hands. 


Through Delilah’s scheming and trickery, Samson ended up weakened, blinded, and enslaved. At last Samson prayed to God for the strength to fight back against the Philistine captors who were humiliating him. So, as his final act on earth, Samson brought down the pillars that held up the building he and the jeering crowd were under. It all came crashing down, killing thousands of Philistines AND Samson in the process.


Are we to believe that Samson’s famous hair grew long in seconds so that he could push down the pillars? No. Samson became strong again because God, in His grace, lifted him up out of the pit he had fallen into. Samson’s story would have been so much better had he consistently trusted and obeyed God’s plan for his life. In Hebrews 11:32, Samson is listed as a man of faith. But although Samson was a man of faith … sadly, he was not a faithful man.


Here are three Life Lessons we can learn from this tragically flawed hero:


Life Lesson #1: The greatest ability is DEPENDABILITY. Sadly, neither the Israelites nor God could count on Samson. He was a moral mess. We dare not make the same mistake. When it comes to physical strength, you might be a weakling compared to Samson. But in God’s eyes, you are so much stronger than Samson when you are consistently obedient to Christ’s commands every day of the week.


Life Lesson #2: God will get His work done with or without you. But make sure that you don’t miss out on the joy and blessings that come when you work with God, not against Him. Warren Wiersbe writes: “God will accomplish His purposes either with us or in spite of us. Samson should have been going to a war instead of to a wedding, but God used this event to give Samson occasion to attack the enemy…. Samson hadn’t planned these things, but God worked them out just the same.” Isn’t God amazing?! Even when we disobey Him, He gets His work accomplished anyway.


Life Lesson #3: It’s nice to begin well, but it’s more critical that you finish well. Wise King Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes 7:8: “The end of a matter is better than its beginning.” Samson had SO MUCH potential that he squandered. His life spiraled down instead of spiraling up. What could God have done through Samson if he had loved the Lord with all his heart? I can’t even imagine.


Similarly, I can’t imagine what amazing things God can and will do through you as you work with the Holy Spirit. Trust God more, love God more, and obey Christ’s commands more. Spiral up, and finish strong for the glory of God!

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Monday, October 7, 2024

When You Wish God Would Choose Someone Else

 “I have seen the misery of My people in Egypt … and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them.” – Exodus 3:7-8

The Book of Exodus records one of the most important events in Jewish history: the Israelites’ exodus from slavery in Egypt. And God chose Moses to be the man to lead the young nation of Israel through the exit, even though Moses was 80 years old. In the final third of his life, Moses led some two million Jews out of slavery and all the way to the front door of the Promised Land.

And yet, when God spoke to him from the burning bush and told Moses to go to Pharoah to bring the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses didn’t even believe he was the right man for the job. In Exodus 3 and 4, Moses gave God one excuse after the other. I’m a nobody (3:11-12). The Jews won’t believe me or listen to me (4:1-9). I’m not good with words (4:10-12). Somebody else can do it better (4:13-17). Choose someone else … anyone else!

As you read Exodus 3 and 4, you’ll notice that every time Moses gave God an excuse, God responded with grace and truth. Eventually, we’re told “the LORD’s anger burned against Moses” (4:14). But God still offered him grace and truth. He appointed Moses’ brother, Aaron, to be his spokesman. And so at last, Moses trusted and obeyed God’s marching orders. By the time we get to chapter 5, Moses and Aaron are standing before the Pharoah to deliver God’s message: “Let My people go!”

And so, God raised up a reluctant messenger who relied on His power and blessing to lead the Israelites out of slavery. Here are three Life Lessons we can learn from God’s call on Moses’ life:

Life Lesson #1: “No weapon formed against [God’s chosen ones] will prosper” (Isaiah 54:17). Sooner or later, God will bring us deliverance. The enemy’s size doesn’t matter. The enemy’s determination doesn’t matter. The enemy’s vast resources don’t matter. The enemy’s brilliant tactics don’t matter. “If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Life Lesson #2: “‘I AM’ is all that we need in every circumstance of life. It’s foolish for us to argue, ‘I am not’” (Warren Wiersbe). Christians, if you’re going through it, do what God directed Moses to do at the burning bush. Do what God directed Peter to do when Peter tried to walk on water. Take your eyes off yourself and off your crummy circumstances and fix your eyes on Jesus.

Life Lesson #3: Joseph and Moses remind us that we’re never too young or too old to be one of God’s chosen heroes. Joseph was just 17 when his heroics began. Moses was 80. Regardless of your age, keep focused on God and let Him work IN you and THROUGH you to do great things for Jesus Christ.

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Stay Faithful Through the Ups and Downs

 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.” – Genesis 50:20

Does it feel like your life is a constant cycle of ups and downs, highs and lows, successes and failures?

You’re not alone. Joseph, one of the 12 sons of Jacob, was a human yo-yo. At the age of 16, he was the Number One son in his family. But at the age of 17, he saw it all come crashing down when his jealous brothers betrayed him and sold him into slavery. But once in Egypt, Joseph was quickly promoted in the household of Pharoah’s captain of the guard.

Then, just as things were looking up, Joseph was falsely accused of rape and thrown into the king’s dungeon, where he sat and waited for 10 to 12 years. And you thought you had it tough?

Finally, when Joseph was 30, God lifted him up to the second-highest position in Egypt. Surprisingly, through it all – regardless of whether his circumstances were good, bad or ugly – Joseph remained uncompromisingly faithful to God.

Here are three Life Lessons we can learn from the story of Joseph:

Life Lesson #1: God is sovereign over your life. Every relationship, every triumph and every heartbreak is a piece of the puzzle. So, keep trusting God and serving Him faithfully. Warren Wiersbe says it so well. He writes: “Genesis 37-50 is much more than a piece of dramatic literature…. Behind this story is the heart of the covenant-making God, who always keeps His promises.”

Life Lesson #2: As you trust and serve God faithfully, He will allow people to see in your life a beautiful portrait of Christ that brings Him glory. Did you realize that Joseph’s life foreshadows Jesus’ life? Just like Jesus, Joseph was hated and rejected by his own brothers, betrayed and delivered into the hands of Gentiles, falsely accused and unjustly persecuted. And just like Jesus, Joseph was promoted and placed on a throne where God used him to save thousands of lives.

Life Lesson #3: If you believe that God is good and is sovereign over the details of your life, then there is no place in your life for bitterness, resentment or unforgiveness. Far too many Christians harbor resentment, grudges and unforgiveness. Make sure you’re not one of them. No matter what others have done to you, like Joseph, you must let it go. You … must … forgive. Jesus Christ won’t waste any of the pain others have inflicted on you. What they intended for evil, God will use for good.

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Friday, September 27, 2024

What’s Wrong With My Veggie Tray?

“For I desire faithful love and mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.” – Hosea 6:6

Most of us probably learned the story of Cain and Abel when we were kids. But this story – of the world’s first two brothers, and the world’s first murder – is worth a closer look. 

In Genesis 4 Cain and Abel, as grown men, both brought offerings to the Lord. Cain offered God “some of the fruits of the soil as an offering.” That makes sense, since he was a farmer. Meanwhile, Abel “brought some fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock.” That also makes sense, since Abel was a shepherd. But in verses 4 and 5, we read that God liked Abel’s offering and accepted it. But He didn’t like Cain’s offering and rejected it. And according to the Amplified Bible’s translation, “Cain became extremely angry (indignant), and he looked annoyed and hostile” (v. 5).

Why did God reject Cain’s offering? Some Christians believe that Cain’s offering was rejected because it consisted of vegetables instead of a blood sacrifice. But Leviticus 2 tells us grain offerings can be pleasing to God. Other Christians point out that Cain brought “some of the fruits of the soil,” but Abel brought “fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock” (vs. 3-4). In other words, Cain brought a generic vegetable tray, but Abel brought the prime rib. So, you could make the case that when Abel came to worship God, he offered God his very best. But when Cain came to worship God, he offered Him his leftovers.

We can’t be sure. But Hebrews 11:4 sheds more light: “By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings.” According to this verse, Abel’s offering was given in faith, but Cain’s wasn’t. In Hosea 6:6 God says, “For I desire faithful love and mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.” From these verses we can gather that Abel gave His offering in faith, love and obedience to God, while Cain did not.

Here are three life lessons we can draw from this passage:

Life Lesson #1: When you bring an offering to God, bring Him your first and your best. If you really love God and desire to worship Him in spirit and in truth, don’t bring Him your leftovers. Bring Him the best of the best.

Life Lesson #2: When God offers you a second chance, humble yourself in His presence and take it. Cain was a fool. God gave him every chance to change course, but he refused to trust and obey. Don’t be like Cain.

Life Lesson #3: You must know Jesus Christ in order to be right with God and man. Answer the two questions that God asked Adam and Cain: “Where are you?” (when Adam was hiding after his sin) and “Where is your brother?” (after Cain murdered Abel). Where are you in your relationship with God today, and where are you in your relationships with the people around you?

If you’re not right with God or you’re not right with others, Jesus Christ is your only hope. He’s the only one who can restore your relationship with God AND your relationships with your family and friends.

 Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Monday, September 9, 2024

How Can I Vote Like Jesus?

 “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; love and faithfulness go before You.” – Psalm 89:14

If you didn’t know it already, let me be the first to tell you: Jesus ISN’T running for President. Instead, we have two presidential candidates who aren’t in the same league as Jesus. So, choosing between them can be tough.

As a pastor-teacher, it is NOT my job to tell you who to vote for. My job is to teach God’s Word, which will equip you to think like Jesus. When it comes to deciding who or what to vote for, I believe we have two goals: 1) To determine the heart of Christ on the issues; and 2) To prayerfully decide which political candidates, propositions and measures are most in sync with the heart of Christ. 

In Psalm 89, a Jewish religious leader longs for God to restore the throne of Israel to one of King David’s descendants. From a New Testament perspective, we know that descendent to be Jesus Christ. The psalmist says: “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; love and faithfulness go before You” (v. 14). In this verse, I believe we find the heart of Jesus Christ’s kingdom: It is built on the foundation of righteousness and justice.

Interestingly, Republicans tend to place a greater value on passing policies that are righteous (morally right), especially when it comes to the unborn child, marriage, gender, and sexual purity. Meanwhile, Democrats tend to place a greater value on passing policies that are morally just, especially when it comes to health care, the treatment of minorities, criminal justice reform, and ending poverty. But these few examples just scratch the surface of the matters of righteousness and justice that are addressed in the two party platforms.

So, you have some homework to do. Review the Republican and Democratic party platforms that are available online. (Once elected, political leaders vote in line with their party platform more than 3/4 of the time.) DON’T assume that your favorite news source is telling you the whole truth. Almost all news sources these days are slanted, either to the right or the left. But you have the tools necessary to make God-honoring decisions about who and what to vote for. You have the Word of God. You have access to God’s wisdom through prayer. And the party platforms are just a click away. Read them with righteousness and justice in mind.

Here are two very important lessons that I’d like every one of us to take to heart:

Lesson #1: Our primary job as Christians is to lead people to Christ, not to an elephant or to a donkey. So, don’t let your politics sabotage your witness to unbelievers or your fellowship with believers. Let’s be honest: If Jesus was an American citizen, He probably wouldn’t be a Republican OR a Democrat. Jesus isn’t a “party” guy. So, don’t damage your witness by coming across like it’s your way or the highway.

Lesson #2: Pray for right and just leaders. Vote for right and just leaders. And if the candidate you vote for doesn’t win … pray for the person who takes office, just the same.

For months I’ve been praying every day for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Governor Newsom and Donald Trump to be saved. I hope that you’ll pray for that as well. We need Christ-loving, Bible-believing Christians in our government now more than ever. So, pray for ALL of our leaders as you pray for our nation.

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Our Spiritual Secret Weapon

 “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” – 1 Peter 4:8

Jesus Christ, through His Holy Spirit, has given every Christian at least one spiritual gift, which enables him or her to perform an important spiritual function in the Body of Christ with joy and effectiveness. So, how can we use our spiritual gifts to make the biggest positive impact in the lives of others? The apostle Peter answers by revealing our secret weapon.

1 Peter 4, Peter tells us, “The end of all things is near” (v. 7). Or, as the New Living Translation puts it, “The end of the world is coming soon.” Christians in the early church believed that Jesus would return in their lifetime. And over the past 2,000 years, Christians in every generation have thought the same thing. Jesus is okay with that – because He wants us to live expectantly. In every generation, Jesus wants Christians to realize that His return is closer than ever before. He truly IS coming soon, so there’s no time to lose. We need to serve the Lord.

Peter goes on to say, “Therefore, be clear-minded and self-controlled so that you can pray” (v. 7). Because the window of opportunity to reach this world for Jesus Christ is shrinking, you and I need to be at the top of our game. We can’t indulge in drugs, alcohol or trashy entertainment, because those things cloud our thinking and sabotage our self-control. And if you and I are not clear-minded and self-controlled, we won’t be able to pray as Christ needs us to pray. And if we don’t pray as Christ needs us to pray, His life-changing work won’t get done.

Then, in verse 8, Peter mentions the priority of love: “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” This isn’t an unrelated topic. If you look at all four chapters in the New Testament that deal with spiritual gifts (Rom. 12, 1 Cor. 12, Eph. 4, and 1 Peter 4), you’ll see that love is right there—every time. In Ephesians 3, right before the chapter teaching us about spiritual gifts, Paul prays that we will grasp how long and wide and high and deep is the love of Christ (v. 18). In Romans 12, Paul teaches about love right after highlighting seven of the spiritual gifts. And in 1 Corinthians 13, Paul spends a whole chapter on love in the middle of his teaching about spiritual gifts.

In the New Testament, we see agape love emphasized before, after and during the teachings on spiritual gifts. You see, it’s not enough to just HAVE a spiritual gift—you must USE your spiritual gift. And it’s not enough to just use your spiritual gift. You must use it … in love. So, why should you use your spiritual gifts to serve others? Because you love God deeply, and you love others deeply. Sometimes Christians are hard to love. But love us deeply anyway.

 Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Are You Living Up to Your Calling?

 “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” – Ephesians 4:1

Can you and I ever pay back God the Father for all that He’s done for us? No way. But we can sure try our very best. And one way for us to do this is by using our spiritual gifts.

Remember, every Christian has received at least one gift from the Holy Spirit. These spiritual gifts are needed for your church family to carry out its mission effectively. Jesus wants to give more of His grace to us … through each other. When you use your spiritual gifts to serve other Christians, they are blessed, and Jesus Christ is glorified.

As individuals, Christians have a very diverse group of backgrounds, races and opinions. But as believers and followers of Jesus Christ we are truly one because, as Paul writes: “There is one body and one Spirit ... one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all” (v. 4-6).

When Christians all carry out their spiritual gifts, it serves three important purposes.

Purpose #1: “To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (v. 12). One of my greatest responsibilities as a pastor is to equip Christians for the work of ministry, so that together we can use our spiritual gifts to help build up the church.

Purpose #2: To bring us to unity in our faith and unity in our knowledge of Jesus Christ (v. 13). When you use your spiritual gift to serve others, it’s like a neon arrow that points the rest of us to Jesus. It opens our eyes to fresh aspects of Christ’s character, and we are naturally drawn closer to Him. So, as we get down to the business of serving each other with our spiritual gifts, the end result is that we become more unified in our faith and in our knowledge of Christ.

Purpose #3: To move us all from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity (vs. 13-16). Recently, a lot of us enjoyed watching the achievements of athletes in the Summer Olympics. But have you ever seen the BABY Olympics? If you want to smile, there are some adorable YouTube videos of babies all dressed up in athletic uniforms to perform their feats: toddling in all directions, dangling from rings three feet off the ground, crying as they drop their little toy barbells. Babies are really cute even when they don’t accomplish much! But the same can’t be said about adults. Adults are NOT cute when they whine like babies and don’t achieve any results.

Brothers and sisters, Christ has called you and me to stop whining and accomplish much for the good of each other AND for the glory of God. And our spiritual gifts are a critical piece of the puzzle.

 Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Your Spiritual Gift Isn’t for You

 “All these [gifts] are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.” – 1 Corinthians 12:11

If you’re not sure what your spiritual gift is or how to use it, you’re not alone.

Back in the First Century, the new Christian church in Corinth was struggling. It was very hard for these baby Christians in Sin City to be “in the world” but NOT “of the world.” The Corinthian church needed to be corrected, rebuked and encouraged in many areas of ministry—including in the area of spiritual gifts.

So the Apostle Paul wrote his first letter to the church he had spent a year and a half planting. He wanted to make it clear that the Holy Spirit had given the Corinthian Christians every spiritual gift that they needed to do ministry in their church AND in their community with joy and effectiveness. In chapter 1 verse 7, Paul wrote, “You do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.”

But chapter 12 makes it clear that they were clueless about how to properly use their spiritual gifts. So, Paul shared these important truths:

#1: Every spiritual gift given to you by the Holy Spirit has been given to you for the good of others (v. 7). Let this truth sink in: Your spiritual gifts are not primarily for you. They’re for everyone else in this church but you. For example, if you have the spiritual gifts of hospitality and encouragement, serving other Christians with your two gifts will bring you much joy—but that joy is just an added bonus. Your gifts were given to you for the good of others. The same is true of the gift of helping, administration, faith or mercy. God blesses you with great joy as you use your gifts. But the Holy Spirit gave those gifts to you … for others.

#2: In His perfect wisdom the Holy Spirit has supernaturally and strategically given you the spiritual gift(s) that are just right for you and your church (v. 11). The truth is ... as you discover your spiritual gifts, you might not like what you’ve got. Well, what’s new? Some of you don’t like your physical gifts either. You might think your nose is too big, your lips are too small … the list goes on. But one of the signs of emotional maturity is accepting and being thankful for what you’ve been given. The Holy Spirit knows what He’s doing—giving you the spiritual gifts that are just right for you, so you can serve others with joy and effectiveness.

#3: Your spiritual gift is a gift of grace from God to the Church, and you have the privilege of delivering it. This is pretty cool: The English word “gifts” in 1 Corinthians 12 is the translation of the Greek word “charismata.” Charis means grace. So, charismata literally means … “grace gifts.” EVERY spiritual gift is a grace gift from God to the Church through you!

When you became a Christian, Jesus adopted you into a big, beautiful new family. You’re a part of an amazing, gifted Church! And the Holy Spirit is calling you to use your spiritual gifts for the good of your church and your community. Freely you have received; freely give. 

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

You Are Gifted to Serve!

I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” – Romans 12:1 

If you’re a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I have good news for you! You have at least one spiritual gift.

But just what is a spiritual gift? Here’s a good definition that is grounded in the truth of Scripture: A spiritual gift is a God-given skill or ability which enables every Christian to perform an important spiritual function in the Christ’s church with joy and effectiveness. And according to Romans 12, using these gifts is a vital act of worship.

Just as a human body has many different parts that work together, Christ’s Church has many different Christians who use their spiritual gifts together to keep the Church healthy and productive. While it’s hard to say exactly how many spiritual gifts are alive and well in the church today, in Romans 7:6-8, Paul mentions seven spiritual gifts: prophecy (v. 6), serving and teaching (v. 7), exhortation, giving, leadership and mercy (v8). Other gifts are mentioned elsewhere in the New Testament, especially in 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4 and 1 Peter 4.

I can say with confidence that if you are a Christian, you have at least one of these spiritual gifts. And if you want to grow and serve Christ with joy and effectiveness, the Apostle Paul says this calls for three essentials:

Essential #1: Honest self-evaluation (v. 3). Warren Wiersbe writes, “Each Christian must know what his spiritual gifts are and what ministry (or ministries) he is to have in the local church…. We were saved ‘by grace, through faith’, and we must live and serve ‘by grace through faith.’ …. When the individual believers in a church know their gifts, accept them by faith, and use them for God’s glory, then God can bless in a wonderful way.”

Essential #2: Humble cooperation (vs. 4-8). Have you ever been to a church where the staff and leaders looked busier than a one-armed juggler? There are a couple of possible reasons for that. Either the leaders aren’t allowing enough saints to serve … OR, too many Christians just aren’t serving. Individually, none of us is that great. But when we come together into a single unit, humble cooperation makes for some beautiful and powerful ministry.

Essential #3: Loving devotion (vs. 9-16). Regardless of which spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit has given you to use, Jesus Christ calls you to be motivated by love. Why do you serve Christ? Because you love Christ. And why do you use your spiritual gifts to serve your brothers and sisters in Christ? Because you love them.

Love should be the driving force behind all that we do as Christians. And when it is, “All men will know that we are Christ’s disciples” (1 Timothy 6:11-16). The world will be drawn to Christ as they observe how we love one another.

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Jesus Says, “Follow Me”

 “These [signs] are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” - John 20:30

One of the reasons the Gospel of John is so powerful is because John was there. He heard with His own ears what Jesus said. He saw with His own eyes what Jesus did. He experienced firsthand the most extraordinary life that has ever been lived.

And before bringing his gospel to a close, John wants us to understand in no uncertain terms that he was an eyewitness of all that he recorded in his account about Jesus’ life, death, burial and resurrection. He wasn’t peddling rumors or secondhand information. He was providing eyewitness testimony. John wrote down that testimony for you and me, “that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:30).

After you’ve read this Gospel, here are three important questions to ask yourself:

Question #1: What will you do with what you have read? Jesus asks you to believe in Him as the Christ and the Son of God. So, will you believe? Jesus fed hungry people in need. Will you do the same? Jesus humbled himself, got down on His hands and knees and washed His disciples’ feet. Will you serve your fellow Christians in similarly humble ways? Jesus forgave one of His best friends who had turned his back on Him. Will you forgive your friends and family who have hurt you?

Question #2: What is YOUR part in God’s redemptive plan for the world? It’s clear from John 21 that God had plans for John and Peter. Peter would be responsible for feeding and taking care of Jesus’ sheep, primarily in Jerusalem. John would also shepherd Christ’s sheep, largely outside of Jerusalem. Did God have special plans for Peter and John because they were apostles? Perhaps. But the truth is: Jesus has special plans for ALL His followers—including you. If you haven’t discovered your specific calling and purpose, begin asking God to reveal it to you now. Ask Him to reveal your role in His plan.

Question #3: How much hardship are you willing to endure for the sake of Christ? In John 15:18-21, Jesus warns us that the world will hate us if the world hates Him. And if the world persecutes Him, the world will persecute us also. So, if you are a follower of Jesus Christ, and you follow Him as you’re supposed to follow Him, you will endure hardship for His sake. If you know the truth about Jesus … and you believe the truth about Jesus … will you boldly share the truth about Jesus? Even despite the rolled eyes of your family members, the criticism of your friends, or the hardships that come your way – Jesus Christ is worth it.

If you are a Christian, His life story is still being written in your life. And He wants His life story to be written in the lives of those around you as well. So, live out your unique calling and mission. Let Jesus Christ continue living His amazing life through you, and give Him the opportunity to live His amazing life through those around you.

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Do You REALLY Love Him?

 “Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?”
– John 21:17

It’s one of the most dramatic passages in the Bible. After Peter denied Jesus three times, he was once again face to face with the man he’d promised to follow without fail. And in John 21, Jesus questions Peter … three times.

 Three times, in three different ways, Jesus asks Peter, “Do you love Me?” And each time Peter replies, “Yes, Lord, You know that I love You” (vs. 15-18). Why does Jesus ask the same question three different times? Does He think Peter is lying? No. Is He rubbing Peter’s failures in his face? No. Is He trying to embarrass or shame Peter? No. So, why does He do it?

 Here’s why. In His mercy and grace, Jesus gives Peter three different opportunities to reaffirm His love and commitment to His Lord — one opportunity for every denial. And each time Peter does so, Jesus reiterates His calling on Peter’s life—not just to be a fisher of men, but to be a shepherd of Christ’s sheep: “Feed My lambs” (v. 15), “Take care of My lambs” (v. 16), and “Feed My sheep” (v. 17).

 In other words: “For the record, Peter, not only do I forgive you, I’m also restoring and promoting you. You’re still My disciple. You’re still My apostle. And I need you to finish what you’ve started. There are still many Jews in Israel who need to be brought into My sheep fold and cared for. And you’re the man for the job.”

Three times denied—three times FORGIVEN. Three times denied—three times RESTORED. Three times denied—three times PROMOTED.

Then, in verse 18, Jesus prophesies Peter’s martyrdom: “When you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” As best we can tell, it was about 34 years later, in 64 A.D., when Simon Peter was crucified for his faith in Jesus Christ. Peter died for his faith – but not before leading thousands of lost sheep to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and feeding them the Word of God.

Here are just two of many life lessons we can draw from this passage:

Life Lesson #1: Love covers a multitude of sins. Years later, in his first epistle, Peter writes: “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). Peter is speaking from personal experience. Jesus Christ IS love. And Jesus had covered a multitude of Peter’s sins. Jesus lifted Peter out of his guilt and shame and transformed him from a wimp into a warrior … from a failure into a success … from a disgrace into one of the most influential Christians in history. Jesus’ love and grace were big enough to cover Peter’s sins, and they are certainly big enough to cover yours. So, bring your sin, guilt and shame to Jesus – and let Him get to work.

Life Lesson #2: Loving Jesus comes at a cost. Loving Him brings both a responsibility and a cross. Each time Jesus responds to Peter’s profession of love, He says, in essence: “IF you love Me, then you have to prove it by doing what I ask you to do … even if it costs your life.” Love always requires sacrifice. And if Jesus is your First Love, love requires you to be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Peace that Drives Out Fear

“Peace be with you.” – John 20:19

As ten of Jesus’ 12 disciples gathered in a locked room on Easter evening, they were filled with fear. Only one of them, Peter, had seen the resurrected Jesus, and only John believed Peter’s story. The other eight still didn’t believe Jesus was really alive.

But ALL of the disciples were scared. They were huddled behind a locked door because they were afraid that the Jewish leaders who tortured and killed Jesus would come after them next. And, of course, Jesus knew they were afraid. So, when He appeared to them in the room, His first words to them were: “Peace be with you” (John 20:19).

 And how did the disciples react to seeing Jesus in the room—which he apparently entered without using the door? John doesn’t record their initial reaction, but Luke tells us that “they were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost” (Luke 24:37). Even after Jesus showed His disciples the wounds in His hands and feet, they still had doubts. Finally, Jesus convinced them, by eating a piece of broiled fish, that He was truly there in the flesh. And at last, John tells us, “The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord” (John 20:20).

 In a few short minutes, the disciples’ fear was replaced by peace, and their doubts were dispelled by evidence-based faith. In verse 21, Jesus reiterated His offer of peace. Then He added: “As the Father has sent Me, I am sending you.” That night, more than ever before, the disciples were transformed into apostles. Jesus’ followers become leaders; His evangelized become evangelists; and His students become teachers. The ones who left their small corner of the world to come TO Jesus would now be sent into a bigger corner of the world to be missionaries FOR Jesus.

From this exciting passage, we can draw these life lessons:

Lesson #1: Jesus is ready to replace your fear with His peace and joy. In 1 John 4:8, John tells us that “God is love.” And 10 verses later he tells us, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…. The one who fears is not made perfect in love” (1 John 4:18). Put those two truths together: Jesus Christ is love, and He drives out our fear. So, if you and I are living in fear, we are not as full of Jesus as we should be. I encourage you to lay your fears at the feet of Jesus.

Lesson #2: Jesus is in the sending business, and He has sent you to be His missionary in your corner of the world. If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you are a Christian. But you may not realize that you are a “sent” Christian. You have been chosen by Christ, and you have been sent by Christ. So, start talking like you’ve been sent by Jesus. Start behaving like you’ve been sent by Jesus. And start loving the people around you and sharing the Gospel with them like you’ve been sent by Jesus. Christ has called you to live sent.

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.