Thursday, July 6, 2023

Come and See

“When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!”
 – John 1:36

In the 1920s and ’30s, Billy Graham grew up on his family’s farm near Charlotte, North Carolina. Although his parents were committed Christians, Billy wasn’t much interested in God or church. In May of 1934, the Grahams invited a group of Christian businessmen to hold a prayer meeting at their farm. At that meeting, one man prayed that out of Charlotte, the Lord would raise up someone to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Farmer Graham never imagined that his own son, who had no interest in church, would be God’s answer to that bold prayer. 

A few months later, the local pastors invited a traveling evangelist, Dr. Mordecai Ham, to come to town and hold revival meetings for several weeks. Billy Graham’s parents encouraged their son to attend the revival meetings, but that’s the last place on earth he wanted to go. So, he didn’t go—for almost four weeks. Then one day, a friend of the family tried a different approach: He asked Billy if he could do him a favor. The man had invited a bunch of teenagers to the evening service, but they needed a ride. So, he asked Billy to drive them to the service in his old vegetable truck.

Billy agreed to help, and he attended the service that night. He was blown away by what Dr. Ham had to say about heaven and hell, and God’s love and judgment. Nothing could keep Billy from returning the next night … and the night after that. And on November 1, 1934, just a few days shy of his 16th birthday, Billy Graham walked down the aisle and gave his life to Jesus Christ. Over the next 80 years, Billy Graham preached the gospel in person to more people than anyone else in history. He preached Jesus to 215 million people in 185 countries and territories around the world. Aren’t you thankful that the old farmer gave Billy the keys to his old vegetable truck and invited him to come and see Jesus for himself?

Well, in chapter 1 of the Gospel of John, we see people beginning to come and see Jesus. During the first week of Jesus’ ministry, John the Baptist was at the Jordan River with two of his disciples. As the two men were listening to their rabbi, Jesus passed by. Seeing Him, John the Baptist said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” (v. 36). And in the next verse, “When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus” (v. 37). Think about that. John certainly knew that as soon as he opened his big mouth and said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” he himself would never again be those disciples’ first choice as a rabbi. Their focus and their loyalty would shift from him to Jesus. And not only was John okay with that—he was actually happy about it.

Next, the two disciples—Andrew and, most likely, John—followed Jesus to the house where He was staying. According to verse 40, after spending the day with Jesus, the first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah.” And Andrew brought him to Jesus.

The next day, Jesus found Philip, who apparently began following Jesus immediately. And as soon as he had a few spare minutes, he found his buddy Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph” (v. 45). Nathanael’s response is famous … or infamous: “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” (v. 46). In the minds of many people in those days, Nazareth was just another Podunk town in Galilee. Nathanael was both a skeptic and prejudiced. He didn’t believe his friend, and he didn’t like Nazarenes. But how did Philip respond? Notice that he didn’t debate him. He didn’t give him a piece of his mind. He didn’t storm off angrily. Instead, he said the same thing Jesus had said to Andrew and John the day before: “Come and see.” And Nathanael’s life was forever changed.

Here are three Life Lessons we can draw from these passages:

1. A Life Lesson from John the Baptist: When your family and friends leave you to follow Jesus, let them go, and be happy for them. One of my favorite sayings is, “Often, what is good is the enemy of what is best.” If you’re a mature Christian, it’s good for your family and friends to spend time with you. But it’s better when they spend time with Jesus. It’s good when they listen to your advice. But it’s better when they listen to Jesus’ advice. It’s good when they follow in your footsteps. But it’s better when they follow in Jesus’ footsteps. We never want to get in the way of the call of Jesus on someone’s life.

2. A Life Lesson from Andrew and Philip: One of the most loving things you could ever say to a friend is, “Come and see.” Rarely does anyone get debated into heaven. You will probably never argue anyone into getting saved. So, take a lesson from Andrew and Philip. Bring your friend to Jesus and let him see for himself. Or just sit down with them and tell them the difference Jesus has made in your life. One way or another, love them by inviting them to come and see Jesus for themselves.

3. A Life Lesson from Jesus: Jesus alone knows who you are today and who you can become tomorrow. So, don’t let anyone—even yourself—define who you are. Find your identity in Christ, both today and tomorrow.

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church. Join us at our great NEW worship location in Apple Valley (16209 Kamana Road) at 9am and 11am. You can also join us livestreaming online at Facebook or YouTube. For more information, visit

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