Monday, October 7, 2024

When You Wish God Would Choose Someone Else

 “I have seen the misery of My people in Egypt … and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them.” – Exodus 3:7-8

The Book of Exodus records one of the most important events in Jewish history: the Israelites’ exodus from slavery in Egypt. And God chose Moses to be the man to lead the young nation of Israel through the exit, even though Moses was 80 years old. In the final third of his life, Moses led some two million Jews out of slavery and all the way to the front door of the Promised Land.

And yet, when God spoke to him from the burning bush and told Moses to go to Pharoah to bring the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses didn’t even believe he was the right man for the job. In Exodus 3 and 4, Moses gave God one excuse after the other. I’m a nobody (3:11-12). The Jews won’t believe me or listen to me (4:1-9). I’m not good with words (4:10-12). Somebody else can do it better (4:13-17). Choose someone else … anyone else!

As you read Exodus 3 and 4, you’ll notice that every time Moses gave God an excuse, God responded with grace and truth. Eventually, we’re told “the LORD’s anger burned against Moses” (4:14). But God still offered him grace and truth. He appointed Moses’ brother, Aaron, to be his spokesman. And so at last, Moses trusted and obeyed God’s marching orders. By the time we get to chapter 5, Moses and Aaron are standing before the Pharoah to deliver God’s message: “Let My people go!”

And so, God raised up a reluctant messenger who relied on His power and blessing to lead the Israelites out of slavery. Here are three Life Lessons we can learn from God’s call on Moses’ life:

Life Lesson #1: “No weapon formed against [God’s chosen ones] will prosper” (Isaiah 54:17). Sooner or later, God will bring us deliverance. The enemy’s size doesn’t matter. The enemy’s determination doesn’t matter. The enemy’s vast resources don’t matter. The enemy’s brilliant tactics don’t matter. “If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Life Lesson #2: “‘I AM’ is all that we need in every circumstance of life. It’s foolish for us to argue, ‘I am not’” (Warren Wiersbe). Christians, if you’re going through it, do what God directed Moses to do at the burning bush. Do what God directed Peter to do when Peter tried to walk on water. Take your eyes off yourself and off your crummy circumstances and fix your eyes on Jesus.

Life Lesson #3: Joseph and Moses remind us that we’re never too young or too old to be one of God’s chosen heroes. Joseph was just 17 when his heroics began. Moses was 80. Regardless of your age, keep focused on God and let Him work IN you and THROUGH you to do great things for Jesus Christ.

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Stay Faithful Through the Ups and Downs

 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.” – Genesis 50:20

Does it feel like your life is a constant cycle of ups and downs, highs and lows, successes and failures?

You’re not alone. Joseph, one of the 12 sons of Jacob, was a human yo-yo. At the age of 16, he was the Number One son in his family. But at the age of 17, he saw it all come crashing down when his jealous brothers betrayed him and sold him into slavery. But once in Egypt, Joseph was quickly promoted in the household of Pharoah’s captain of the guard.

Then, just as things were looking up, Joseph was falsely accused of rape and thrown into the king’s dungeon, where he sat and waited for 10 to 12 years. And you thought you had it tough?

Finally, when Joseph was 30, God lifted him up to the second-highest position in Egypt. Surprisingly, through it all – regardless of whether his circumstances were good, bad or ugly – Joseph remained uncompromisingly faithful to God.

Here are three Life Lessons we can learn from the story of Joseph:

Life Lesson #1: God is sovereign over your life. Every relationship, every triumph and every heartbreak is a piece of the puzzle. So, keep trusting God and serving Him faithfully. Warren Wiersbe says it so well. He writes: “Genesis 37-50 is much more than a piece of dramatic literature…. Behind this story is the heart of the covenant-making God, who always keeps His promises.”

Life Lesson #2: As you trust and serve God faithfully, He will allow people to see in your life a beautiful portrait of Christ that brings Him glory. Did you realize that Joseph’s life foreshadows Jesus’ life? Just like Jesus, Joseph was hated and rejected by his own brothers, betrayed and delivered into the hands of Gentiles, falsely accused and unjustly persecuted. And just like Jesus, Joseph was promoted and placed on a throne where God used him to save thousands of lives.

Life Lesson #3: If you believe that God is good and is sovereign over the details of your life, then there is no place in your life for bitterness, resentment or unforgiveness. Far too many Christians harbor resentment, grudges and unforgiveness. Make sure you’re not one of them. No matter what others have done to you, like Joseph, you must let it go. You … must … forgive. Jesus Christ won’t waste any of the pain others have inflicted on you. What they intended for evil, God will use for good.

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Friday, September 27, 2024

What’s Wrong With My Veggie Tray?

“For I desire faithful love and mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.” – Hosea 6:6

Most of us probably learned the story of Cain and Abel when we were kids. But this story – of the world’s first two brothers, and the world’s first murder – is worth a closer look. 

In Genesis 4 Cain and Abel, as grown men, both brought offerings to the Lord. Cain offered God “some of the fruits of the soil as an offering.” That makes sense, since he was a farmer. Meanwhile, Abel “brought some fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock.” That also makes sense, since Abel was a shepherd. But in verses 4 and 5, we read that God liked Abel’s offering and accepted it. But He didn’t like Cain’s offering and rejected it. And according to the Amplified Bible’s translation, “Cain became extremely angry (indignant), and he looked annoyed and hostile” (v. 5).

Why did God reject Cain’s offering? Some Christians believe that Cain’s offering was rejected because it consisted of vegetables instead of a blood sacrifice. But Leviticus 2 tells us grain offerings can be pleasing to God. Other Christians point out that Cain brought “some of the fruits of the soil,” but Abel brought “fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock” (vs. 3-4). In other words, Cain brought a generic vegetable tray, but Abel brought the prime rib. So, you could make the case that when Abel came to worship God, he offered God his very best. But when Cain came to worship God, he offered Him his leftovers.

We can’t be sure. But Hebrews 11:4 sheds more light: “By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings.” According to this verse, Abel’s offering was given in faith, but Cain’s wasn’t. In Hosea 6:6 God says, “For I desire faithful love and mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.” From these verses we can gather that Abel gave His offering in faith, love and obedience to God, while Cain did not.

Here are three life lessons we can draw from this passage:

Life Lesson #1: When you bring an offering to God, bring Him your first and your best. If you really love God and desire to worship Him in spirit and in truth, don’t bring Him your leftovers. Bring Him the best of the best.

Life Lesson #2: When God offers you a second chance, humble yourself in His presence and take it. Cain was a fool. God gave him every chance to change course, but he refused to trust and obey. Don’t be like Cain.

Life Lesson #3: You must know Jesus Christ in order to be right with God and man. Answer the two questions that God asked Adam and Cain: “Where are you?” (when Adam was hiding after his sin) and “Where is your brother?” (after Cain murdered Abel). Where are you in your relationship with God today, and where are you in your relationships with the people around you?

If you’re not right with God or you’re not right with others, Jesus Christ is your only hope. He’s the only one who can restore your relationship with God AND your relationships with your family and friends.

 Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Monday, September 9, 2024

How Can I Vote Like Jesus?

 “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; love and faithfulness go before You.” – Psalm 89:14

If you didn’t know it already, let me be the first to tell you: Jesus ISN’T running for President. Instead, we have two presidential candidates who aren’t in the same league as Jesus. So, choosing between them can be tough.

As a pastor-teacher, it is NOT my job to tell you who to vote for. My job is to teach God’s Word, which will equip you to think like Jesus. When it comes to deciding who or what to vote for, I believe we have two goals: 1) To determine the heart of Christ on the issues; and 2) To prayerfully decide which political candidates, propositions and measures are most in sync with the heart of Christ. 

In Psalm 89, a Jewish religious leader longs for God to restore the throne of Israel to one of King David’s descendants. From a New Testament perspective, we know that descendent to be Jesus Christ. The psalmist says: “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; love and faithfulness go before You” (v. 14). In this verse, I believe we find the heart of Jesus Christ’s kingdom: It is built on the foundation of righteousness and justice.

Interestingly, Republicans tend to place a greater value on passing policies that are righteous (morally right), especially when it comes to the unborn child, marriage, gender, and sexual purity. Meanwhile, Democrats tend to place a greater value on passing policies that are morally just, especially when it comes to health care, the treatment of minorities, criminal justice reform, and ending poverty. But these few examples just scratch the surface of the matters of righteousness and justice that are addressed in the two party platforms.

So, you have some homework to do. Review the Republican and Democratic party platforms that are available online. (Once elected, political leaders vote in line with their party platform more than 3/4 of the time.) DON’T assume that your favorite news source is telling you the whole truth. Almost all news sources these days are slanted, either to the right or the left. But you have the tools necessary to make God-honoring decisions about who and what to vote for. You have the Word of God. You have access to God’s wisdom through prayer. And the party platforms are just a click away. Read them with righteousness and justice in mind.

Here are two very important lessons that I’d like every one of us to take to heart:

Lesson #1: Our primary job as Christians is to lead people to Christ, not to an elephant or to a donkey. So, don’t let your politics sabotage your witness to unbelievers or your fellowship with believers. Let’s be honest: If Jesus was an American citizen, He probably wouldn’t be a Republican OR a Democrat. Jesus isn’t a “party” guy. So, don’t damage your witness by coming across like it’s your way or the highway.

Lesson #2: Pray for right and just leaders. Vote for right and just leaders. And if the candidate you vote for doesn’t win … pray for the person who takes office, just the same.

For months I’ve been praying every day for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Governor Newsom and Donald Trump to be saved. I hope that you’ll pray for that as well. We need Christ-loving, Bible-believing Christians in our government now more than ever. So, pray for ALL of our leaders as you pray for our nation.

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Our Spiritual Secret Weapon

 “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” – 1 Peter 4:8

Jesus Christ, through His Holy Spirit, has given every Christian at least one spiritual gift, which enables him or her to perform an important spiritual function in the Body of Christ with joy and effectiveness. So, how can we use our spiritual gifts to make the biggest positive impact in the lives of others? The apostle Peter answers by revealing our secret weapon.

1 Peter 4, Peter tells us, “The end of all things is near” (v. 7). Or, as the New Living Translation puts it, “The end of the world is coming soon.” Christians in the early church believed that Jesus would return in their lifetime. And over the past 2,000 years, Christians in every generation have thought the same thing. Jesus is okay with that – because He wants us to live expectantly. In every generation, Jesus wants Christians to realize that His return is closer than ever before. He truly IS coming soon, so there’s no time to lose. We need to serve the Lord.

Peter goes on to say, “Therefore, be clear-minded and self-controlled so that you can pray” (v. 7). Because the window of opportunity to reach this world for Jesus Christ is shrinking, you and I need to be at the top of our game. We can’t indulge in drugs, alcohol or trashy entertainment, because those things cloud our thinking and sabotage our self-control. And if you and I are not clear-minded and self-controlled, we won’t be able to pray as Christ needs us to pray. And if we don’t pray as Christ needs us to pray, His life-changing work won’t get done.

Then, in verse 8, Peter mentions the priority of love: “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” This isn’t an unrelated topic. If you look at all four chapters in the New Testament that deal with spiritual gifts (Rom. 12, 1 Cor. 12, Eph. 4, and 1 Peter 4), you’ll see that love is right there—every time. In Ephesians 3, right before the chapter teaching us about spiritual gifts, Paul prays that we will grasp how long and wide and high and deep is the love of Christ (v. 18). In Romans 12, Paul teaches about love right after highlighting seven of the spiritual gifts. And in 1 Corinthians 13, Paul spends a whole chapter on love in the middle of his teaching about spiritual gifts.

In the New Testament, we see agape love emphasized before, after and during the teachings on spiritual gifts. You see, it’s not enough to just HAVE a spiritual gift—you must USE your spiritual gift. And it’s not enough to just use your spiritual gift. You must use it … in love. So, why should you use your spiritual gifts to serve others? Because you love God deeply, and you love others deeply. Sometimes Christians are hard to love. But love us deeply anyway.

 Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Are You Living Up to Your Calling?

 “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” – Ephesians 4:1

Can you and I ever pay back God the Father for all that He’s done for us? No way. But we can sure try our very best. And one way for us to do this is by using our spiritual gifts.

Remember, every Christian has received at least one gift from the Holy Spirit. These spiritual gifts are needed for your church family to carry out its mission effectively. Jesus wants to give more of His grace to us … through each other. When you use your spiritual gifts to serve other Christians, they are blessed, and Jesus Christ is glorified.

As individuals, Christians have a very diverse group of backgrounds, races and opinions. But as believers and followers of Jesus Christ we are truly one because, as Paul writes: “There is one body and one Spirit ... one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all” (v. 4-6).

When Christians all carry out their spiritual gifts, it serves three important purposes.

Purpose #1: “To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (v. 12). One of my greatest responsibilities as a pastor is to equip Christians for the work of ministry, so that together we can use our spiritual gifts to help build up the church.

Purpose #2: To bring us to unity in our faith and unity in our knowledge of Jesus Christ (v. 13). When you use your spiritual gift to serve others, it’s like a neon arrow that points the rest of us to Jesus. It opens our eyes to fresh aspects of Christ’s character, and we are naturally drawn closer to Him. So, as we get down to the business of serving each other with our spiritual gifts, the end result is that we become more unified in our faith and in our knowledge of Christ.

Purpose #3: To move us all from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity (vs. 13-16). Recently, a lot of us enjoyed watching the achievements of athletes in the Summer Olympics. But have you ever seen the BABY Olympics? If you want to smile, there are some adorable YouTube videos of babies all dressed up in athletic uniforms to perform their feats: toddling in all directions, dangling from rings three feet off the ground, crying as they drop their little toy barbells. Babies are really cute even when they don’t accomplish much! But the same can’t be said about adults. Adults are NOT cute when they whine like babies and don’t achieve any results.

Brothers and sisters, Christ has called you and me to stop whining and accomplish much for the good of each other AND for the glory of God. And our spiritual gifts are a critical piece of the puzzle.

 Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Your Spiritual Gift Isn’t for You

 “All these [gifts] are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.” – 1 Corinthians 12:11

If you’re not sure what your spiritual gift is or how to use it, you’re not alone.

Back in the First Century, the new Christian church in Corinth was struggling. It was very hard for these baby Christians in Sin City to be “in the world” but NOT “of the world.” The Corinthian church needed to be corrected, rebuked and encouraged in many areas of ministry—including in the area of spiritual gifts.

So the Apostle Paul wrote his first letter to the church he had spent a year and a half planting. He wanted to make it clear that the Holy Spirit had given the Corinthian Christians every spiritual gift that they needed to do ministry in their church AND in their community with joy and effectiveness. In chapter 1 verse 7, Paul wrote, “You do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.”

But chapter 12 makes it clear that they were clueless about how to properly use their spiritual gifts. So, Paul shared these important truths:

#1: Every spiritual gift given to you by the Holy Spirit has been given to you for the good of others (v. 7). Let this truth sink in: Your spiritual gifts are not primarily for you. They’re for everyone else in this church but you. For example, if you have the spiritual gifts of hospitality and encouragement, serving other Christians with your two gifts will bring you much joy—but that joy is just an added bonus. Your gifts were given to you for the good of others. The same is true of the gift of helping, administration, faith or mercy. God blesses you with great joy as you use your gifts. But the Holy Spirit gave those gifts to you … for others.

#2: In His perfect wisdom the Holy Spirit has supernaturally and strategically given you the spiritual gift(s) that are just right for you and your church (v. 11). The truth is ... as you discover your spiritual gifts, you might not like what you’ve got. Well, what’s new? Some of you don’t like your physical gifts either. You might think your nose is too big, your lips are too small … the list goes on. But one of the signs of emotional maturity is accepting and being thankful for what you’ve been given. The Holy Spirit knows what He’s doing—giving you the spiritual gifts that are just right for you, so you can serve others with joy and effectiveness.

#3: Your spiritual gift is a gift of grace from God to the Church, and you have the privilege of delivering it. This is pretty cool: The English word “gifts” in 1 Corinthians 12 is the translation of the Greek word “charismata.” Charis means grace. So, charismata literally means … “grace gifts.” EVERY spiritual gift is a grace gift from God to the Church through you!

When you became a Christian, Jesus adopted you into a big, beautiful new family. You’re a part of an amazing, gifted Church! And the Holy Spirit is calling you to use your spiritual gifts for the good of your church and your community. Freely you have received; freely give. 

Dane Davis is the pastor of Impact Christian Church, meeting Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. at 16209 Kamana Road in Apple Valley.